I've been so delinquent but I genuinely have a gazillion good reasons for being MIA - 2 of them being (1) being homeless and (2) being excessively pregnant and in pain!!
sigh. This has been one of hte most challenging months of our lives here - going from hotel to friends' places to the floor of our new house. Renovations are not done yet but are close. This baby could come ANY day now which is putting alot of stress on us but we're learning to have an adventure with it and just go with the flow. I def have very low moment of being in complete despair because of all the pain associated with this pregnancy - I can barely walk some days and feel bad for my 16 month old who has learned how to SPRINT! god help me.
I have LOTS of renovation pictures and stories but may just post them all in one batch because i just can't keep up with it everyday.
The latest update is that last night was the first night we slept at the new house. We have a mattress on the floor and running water in one of the bathrooms. Still no floors, carpets, kitchen, fridge, vanities or shower ready. Sigh... Trying to hang in there!! Miss all u lovelies!!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Happy Vaisakhi!!
Today is Vaisakhi! a religious holiday for us. Culturally, in Punjab India where farming is the mainstay of life, it makers the new harvest season. Religiously, in the Sikh religion, it marks the day that the Khalsa, the Sikh faith, was established at Anandpur Sahib in 1699, by the 10th Sikh Guru (teacher) Guru Gobind Singh[2].
There is a beautiful story around the day the Sikh religion was formally established, Vaisakhi day back in 1699.
Our 10th Guru asked thousands of people to gather together with their hair uncut and coming in full beards and scarves to cover their heads as a sign of humility. He addressed the congregation, took out his sword and requested a sacrifice - for members to come and give their head to god without asking any questions. One man boldly stepped forth and the guru took him inside a tent. He came out with a bloody sword and asked for another head. 4 more men came forth. After he had 5 beloved devotees who came into the tent and offered their heads, the guru then came out of the tent with those same 5 men dressed in white and initiated these beloved 5 (the Panj Pyare) as Khalsa Sikhs (religious Sikhs). They were the 5 beloved ones who he never actually beheaded, but who showed their ultimate humility and devotion for God. These 5 volunteers and everyone who watched in the crowd thought they were walking to their deaths for god. The guru's test for these devotees was performed to prove their unfaltering dedication to the Sikh religion. They were ready to give themselves up unknowingly. They were praised and given a new distinctive Sikh identity and wore 5 emblems of purity and courage. These are the 5 Ks worn by all baptised sikhs - the Kesh, unshorn hair; Kangha, the wooden comb; Karra, the iron (or steel) bracelet; Kirpan, the sword; and Kachera, the underwear. By being identifiable, no Sikh could never hide behind cowardice again.

For the whole story and further reading - check out this link
Here is a nice depiction of Guru Gobind SIngh ji initiating the first 5 members of the Khalsa.
AND HERE is a picture of ME this evening with my little Singh (lion) Kavan (and 9 months preggers with my second little lion) in front of the Sikh temple (gurudwara - door to the guru/teacher) that will be our local temple here in our new home. Unfortunately we missed out on Vaisakhi celebrations and the program they put on here during the day because we were stuck at the slabyard picking more granite and choosing the final placement of the kitchen island and finalizing accent tiles - BUT we did manage to make it in the evening to pay our respects. Our quick little visit was followed by promises by hubs and I to each other to be much much better about attending things like this for us and for our children in the future. We just have way too much on our plate right now and are focusing on getting renovations done and moving into our new home.Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Busting out of my Maternity Clothes!
Yes the time has come where I have surpassed even the large and extra large sizes of my MATERNITY CLOTHES. Have i mentioned how fun this last month is? Huge Sigh! I refuse to buy more - this is ridiculous. The weather is so erratic here these days too - some days really hot and some days really cold. I think i have to just resort to my hubs' clothes - that would be a men's extra large which fits jusssssst right and sometimes snug. vomit. Getting this big is so hard! I don't care about the weight. I've lost it once and know I'll lose it again - it's just the moving around I can barely manage now. A pregnant girlfriend of mine told me her OB prescribed her codine. I don't know why I found that so appealing considering I don't even let myself take tylenol for my back pain. So when I walked into my new OB's office, the first thing that came out of my mouth (as if I was possessed) was - can u give me codine???? haha She just responded by saying that we normally don't like to prescribe narcotics off the bat - why don't u try tylenol, tiger. :) So tylenol it is. I am caving in and letting myself have tylenol and have been putting an ice pack on my back and other aches and pains at night and last night it actually worked! If I can just get thru the next few weeks like this - it might just be ok.
What's NOT ok is that the contractors don't seem to be working as hard as I think they should be. I'm here at the house during the day trying to make some sense of our stuff with nowhere to put anything b/c the place is truly a construction zone - but no one else is here!! Why isnt anyone working???? I need to see the work happening to believe it. We are waiting and waiting but for what? Getting a little anxious here. ALOT ALOT anxious.
Updates so far:
What's NOT ok is that the contractors don't seem to be working as hard as I think they should be. I'm here at the house during the day trying to make some sense of our stuff with nowhere to put anything b/c the place is truly a construction zone - but no one else is here!! Why isnt anyone working???? I need to see the work happening to believe it. We are waiting and waiting but for what? Getting a little anxious here. ALOT ALOT anxious.
Updates so far:
- We have ordered carpets for the bedrooms (2 kids rooms and our master bedroom). It is a beige remnant piece which we got half off because someone cancelled their order with the store so they are stuck with tons of this beige carpet, which isnt the BEST quality but it does the trick. Score. We can't afford going with the fancy carpet/runner which is ok. This is all extra fluff that are not necessities so it's just fine.
- We were quoted an arm and leg for tiling the laundry area and next door powder room downstairs. We thought they'd just "throw it in" for us considering how much we are getting done so we bought some super cheap extra tiles from Home Depot for 57 cents a sq foot and asked if they'd throw it in but they didn't bite. Yikes. SO we're now getting an environmental wooden flooring for that area. Not so sure wooden flooring should go down in a laundry and bathroom area with potential water spillage but that's what we're doing. We placed the order, got our quote, had the guy measure the area and picked up the wood. Did anyone know the wood has to sit in the room in which it's going to be installed for ONE WEEK to match the temperature of the room. I didn't. Now I do. and now we wait one extra week. FML.
- We went to check out faucets and fixtures today at a super fancy store so we can find hte more affordable version elsewhere, perhaps online. We love the idea of a rain shower - but there are SO many kinds and so many varieties. May just close our eyes and point to pick this one :)
Monday, April 12, 2010
Paint Colors
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Update with Pics
My first exciting update is that my breeched baby has turned and is now getting in position to come out and play! :) I saw my new OB in CT this week and she re-evaluated whether I would need an early C section or not and said nope - she could feel the head down and everything, so that just made me ecstatic. What was worrying me about it is that the contractors are takign 3 more weeks for renovations and the early c section would have been within 2 weeks. U do the math. :/// Phew. That was a close call. So now - whenever the little bugger is ready to come is when he comes :)
Next up is some pictures!! The contractors have been hard at work and I wanted to track some of their hard work with pics on my blog. It's been alot of work for us everyday running around picking tiles, colors, backsplashes, paint, vanities, carpets, runners, bullnoses, fixtures etc. I can't imagine doing this footwork in CT from NY! I have to say - even tho living in a hotel right now is not ideal - it's better being local and available to do this stuff NOW than later or earlier when we were driving 2 hours each way to get things done. The days have been flying. We literally leave first thing in the morning to set out on our day and don't come back til 9 or so at night at which point we go for a dip in the hotel pool which Kavan is LOVING and then crash and get rested for the next day.
Here is a picture of the runner I absolutely LOVE for our stairs going up to the main level. Now how to replicate it. ??

Next up is some pictures!! The contractors have been hard at work and I wanted to track some of their hard work with pics on my blog. It's been alot of work for us everyday running around picking tiles, colors, backsplashes, paint, vanities, carpets, runners, bullnoses, fixtures etc. I can't imagine doing this footwork in CT from NY! I have to say - even tho living in a hotel right now is not ideal - it's better being local and available to do this stuff NOW than later or earlier when we were driving 2 hours each way to get things done. The days have been flying. We literally leave first thing in the morning to set out on our day and don't come back til 9 or so at night at which point we go for a dip in the hotel pool which Kavan is LOVING and then crash and get rested for the next day.
Here is a picture of the runner I absolutely LOVE for our stairs going up to the main level. Now how to replicate it. ??
Now here are 3 pics of the runner i fell in love with at the local carpet store here that resembles my inspirational pic. Problem - it's a little pricey. Ok, alot pricey. The hubs has been researching places online to get it at a discounted rate. He fell in love with it too - not sure if it was my convincing or what but he's on board which is what matters! :) The color I like is the mustardy yellow. It's different and it really pops with the white design. I included a closeup. Isn't it gorg? The only reason I would justify this purchase is because our home is a raised ranch and it's the FIRST thing ur eyes move towards when u enter the house and hte first surface u really have to walk on before u head up to the main level where the main living areais (kitchen, bedrooms, living room, dining room). Doesn't do wonders for the bank and NOT an essential by any means but... me likey :///
The carpet guys are telling us it's so expensive because it's a WOOL carpet. Who needs a wool carpet? So then I asked how do I get this pattern or this look in a non wool carpet. Translation - how do i get THIS but way cheaper? :) Hubs gets embarrassed by my bluntness but we don't have time to dilly dally and play niceities. I know what I like and I know we have a budget. The carpet guy showed me a non wool option with a similar pattern but a little brighter of a yellow and honestly, i love it too. It's def not as subtle of a mustard but pops just as well and hubs likes it alot and the best part - it's HALF the price. If hubs finds a deal on the one we love (above), then I think we'll go with that but the cheaper one (below) is actually closer to my inspirational pic. What to do? Which one do u like better?
Here are some work in progress pics of the renovations. As of last week, the kitchen wall we wanted down has been knocked down, the heating that needs to be run under the kitchen island is being installed, and the master bath and boys' bathroom is being gutted and built on.
Here is my little lion Kavan playing in big moving boxes. on top of big moving boxes and around lots of moving boxes. Poor kid is subjected to so many boxes packed and unpacked and playing around them just as happy as can be. What a trooper!

Here is the kitchen wall knocked down and floor opened up for heating to be installed under the island. Right next to that pic is a picture of the structure for the dry wall to go up where a rod iron railing was. I feel better about dry wall going up so there are no accidents with the babies. Plus I saw my little guy throwing cars and things thru the rod iron bars that were previously there and immediately I knew it was gonna be a "problem area" for mama to clean up!! Dry wall it is!! :)
Monday, April 5, 2010
A Quick Update!
Hello!! Just dropping in for a quickie. I can't believe it's been a WEEK since we moved. That means it's been a week since I've posted. A week since we've been "homeless" :) A week since we've been living in a hotel and eating at diners! I can't say I mind TOO much! :)
Hubs and I have decided to treat this crazy little spell like an adventure - exploring our new town, stopping in to get fun meals we normally wouldn't, treating ourselves to dessert, taking advantage of the hotel pool everyday and getting our little monkey in there who has a BALL in the pool! We're trying not to stress out too much about tiles and paint and dry wall and all the work that's not done by the contractors yet - eek. They're great guys and are working hard - I know. It's just a time crunch with this baby coming soon!
I have lots lots lots to update u lovies on and some pics to share. I've got to be better about that but when I get a proper moment to write a decent post, I will do so - hopefully tomorrow. Really quickly tho - everything is going great, things are coming along - progressing surely but slowly and we are making executive decisions on things left and right! I'm feeling and getting bigger and can barely walk these days so I'm making it a point to take it slow. I've got to!
I'll try to update u all with pics tomorrow!
Hubs and I have decided to treat this crazy little spell like an adventure - exploring our new town, stopping in to get fun meals we normally wouldn't, treating ourselves to dessert, taking advantage of the hotel pool everyday and getting our little monkey in there who has a BALL in the pool! We're trying not to stress out too much about tiles and paint and dry wall and all the work that's not done by the contractors yet - eek. They're great guys and are working hard - I know. It's just a time crunch with this baby coming soon!
I have lots lots lots to update u lovies on and some pics to share. I've got to be better about that but when I get a proper moment to write a decent post, I will do so - hopefully tomorrow. Really quickly tho - everything is going great, things are coming along - progressing surely but slowly and we are making executive decisions on things left and right! I'm feeling and getting bigger and can barely walk these days so I'm making it a point to take it slow. I've got to!
I'll try to update u all with pics tomorrow!
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