100 Things Bout me

While I think lists like this can be a bit narcissistic, they do give u a peek into the person. Besides, they can be so much fun to make and read! :) for me, that is :)
  1. I just turned 30 this year and am loving it!
  2. I am an attorney by profession/education
  3. I've always wanted to be a teacher and played pretend classroom all while growing up
  4. I have an adorable 14 month old son – he is truly the light and love of my life.
  5.  I am expecting my second son in May 2010
  6. I do want to have a baby girl one day too! :)
  7.  I am 100% Punjabi baby!
  8. My family is from Punjab, India and New Delhi, India
  9.  We are Sikh by religion and keep our hair.
  10. I was born in India and came here when I was really little
  11. I was raised in NJ  and am a Jersey girl at heart J
  12.  In 2002, I lost my mom. She was my best friend and an angel. I miss her more than I can express.
  13. My husband is my best friend and makes me laugh instantly. Anytime. Anywhere. Even when I'm mad. :///
  14. My husband and I LOVE LOVE LOVE waching movies and try to any chance we can
  15.  I’m a fan of milk chocolate but have realized I am not chocoholic
  16. Altho I do think Nutella on Anything is to die for
  17.  Walking through nature whether is be a park, neighborhoods, rainforets, beaches, rock climbing - lifts my spirits instantly
  18.  I love to dance – to all kinds of music
  19. I was in 3 dance troupes in college. One of the tryouts was a dare with a gf and we actually made it ://
  20.  I like to make people laugh, even when I know I’m not funny – I love trying.
  21. I love seeing people’s reactions when you give them flowers.
  22.  I love watermelon. In the summer, winter, as a meal, snack - anytime, anywhere
  23.  I love anything grape flavored.
  24. I love going to IKEA…. And Target and the Container Store. I never get sick of these stores!
  25.  I love the feeling I get after a great RUN
  26.   I love stumbling upon old fashioned thrift shops and getting a “find”
  27. I love to read great books. Classics and deep involved books. Not such a fan of chick lit?!
  28.   I realize just how lucky  and loved I am
  29. I find bitter sarcasm and self deprecating humor hysterical -  as long as it’s witty and not malicious
  30.  I crave massages – esp during pregnancy
  31. I love getting letters in the mail – handwritten ones
  32. I have yet to change my maiden name to my husband's last name, legally. Not by principle, just pure procrastination. :/
  33. I am absolutely obsessed with watching HGTV - love design, DIY projects and before and after shots!
  34. I love making a cozy cushy home
  35. I am not a fan of chinese food
  36. I have debilitating back pain 2nd trimester onwards during my pregnancies
  37. I love to write
  38. I am new to blogging but am loving it!
  39. I've never had the chicken pox
  40. I can't sing but love to and don't care how bad I am!
  41. I have very high cholesterol and take meds for it
  42. I am a Taurus and very true to my sign
  43. I have a younger brother and we are very close.
  44. Amitabh Baachan (famous Indian actor) was my hero as a little girl. I still love all his old songs
  45. I keep a daily journal
  46. I pretend to scrapbook but rareeeely get the time I'd like to do so
  47. I want 4 kids
  48. I adore whales and have adopted a few
  49. I love to make things with my hands
  50. I love going to libraries
  51. I love the smell of a new book and even of a library book
  52. I love learning about anything and everything - people, cultures, countries, random facts..
  53. I dont get why people love doing crossword puzzles
  54. I could eat anything for breakfast, not just breakfast foods
  55. I love museums
  56. I get bored easily
  57. I don't cut my hair, altho I do dye it :)
  58. I try to be green whenever possible
  59. I cloth diapered my baby for the first few months
  60. I'd love to write a book one day
  61. I have a beauty mark at the corner of my left eye
  62. I have a scar at the corner of my right eye
  63. I love to travel
  64. I can speak Spanish, Japanese, Punjabi and Hindi (decently)
  65. I love wtaching my baby laugh
  66. I love a good political and/or religious discussion
  67. I love a challenge
  68. I can't stand arrogance in people
  69. I am a perfectionist when it comes to proper grammar
  70. As cliche as it may be, I love roses
  71. My favorite flowers are hydrangeas - with calla lillies a close second
  72. I am infatuated with paisleys
  73. I try not to be but I will admit that I am a little superstitious
  74. I am terrible at making phone calls. Just not a phone person
  75. I have a horrible sense of direction and get lost while driving very easily :/
  76. i love going to the zoo and think u can be never too old to enjoy it
  77. i love monkeys :) fascinated by watching them
  78. I played Swimming, Soccer and Lacrosse while growing up
  79. I regret never learning a musical instrument but it's never too late
  80. Altho I learned Japanese and studied it quite a bit in college, I have no desire to travel to the far east
  81. I'd love to go to Austrailia one day or a South African safari
  82. I like emptying stuff and filling containers. My husband makes fun of me for it.
  83. i love sushi - my favorite being unagi (eel) and soft shell crab a close second.
  84. I went to Catholic School for grade school and always wondered what the Eucharist tasted like
  85. I went to law school in Michigan and lived there for 4 years when i first got married.
  86. I couldnt begin to list my favorite movies or books b/c there are just too many of them!
  87. I love inspirational quotes
  88. I don't know how to diet. The idea of it makes me want to pig out. Hate restrictions!
  89. I love getting pedicures but am very impatient during manicures
  90. I wasn't so impressed by Paris when we went
  91. I had a temp job once before law school of being a telephone operator for the deaf. It was amazing.
  92. I would love to adopt a child one day
  93. I never had an allowance or got grounded as a kid
  94. I love to cook!
  95. I love being able to stay home and raise my children but will def return to work one day
  96. I am a lifelong, loyal friend
  97. I have a diamond nose ring. I got it pierced when I was 18 with my mom and dad and got money for it! Indian tradition?
  98. I love the smell of fresh cut grass
  99. I love being barefoot
  100. Basements freak me out and I don't like going into them.
