After the wedding ceremony, there is alot of hulla bulla amongst the family and friends - lunch to be eaten, socializing to be enjoyed, games to be played. shoes to be stolen :)
There is a traditional Punjabi game where the girls on the bride's side steals the groom's wedding shoes and in order for the groom to have them returned to him, he must pay a price to all the bride's sisters - whatever they request. It is usually ALOT of fun when u are on the girl's side but being on the boy's side, ur main task is to hide his shoes. It gets kind of silly because during the ceremony, instead of watching solemnly and praying for a beautiful future life for the lovely couple, I find myself looking for exit routes and perfect hiding spots under cushions and ladies' outfits. :) Just kidding. The girl's side didn't really fight for my brother's shoes so this made an easy win at this wedding.
While all teh wedding guests return to their rooms to relax, the couple has their alone time together for pictures and enjoying their newly wed status. After a few hours of rest and picture taking, everyone gets to get ready all over again for the Reception!
The bride with her brother and I |
The bride upon entering the groom's home. Here a game is being played where the groom's sister (me) has to attempt to drink water from a golden cup for 7 times while my brother has to try to prevent me from doing so. The significance? Beats me. |
A FUN game where the bride and groom have to fight each other to win golden rings hidden inside a bowl full of milk and roses |
My brother and his new wife in the wedding car! |
The quaint wedding richshaw |
Tradition where the bride's first steps into the house are recorded by having her step in red paint and then over a white scroll of paper adorned with rose petals |
My brother and his friends along with his new wife. |
The weddign car decorated |
My dad and I with the newly married couple |
Bringing Devina into the boy's home for the first time |
One of my favorite pics :) |
Helping Devina step on rose petals laid out for her to enter our home |
My hubs and I :) |
My cousin's wife Chandni and I watching our kids play together after the wedding ceremony |
Devina feeding my brother traditional Indian sweets |
The ring game |
The real wedding car - not the richshaw |
Devina and Moni |
My new sis in law and I :) |
My little nugget Jeevan at 8 months old |
Me chaperoning the ring game - making sure there are no cheaters! The cheaters ended up being the women in my family who told Devina that catching quarters in the milk was just as good as rings and while they told my brother quarters wouldn't cut it and he would have to find a gold ring to win. Devina won with the help of the lovely ladies of our family :) Girl power! |
Another cute game where the bride shakes her decorations from her hands over the heads of unmarried females of the house. If a gold piece falls off by itself onto the head, then it is good luck and signifies that the female will be the next in getting married - similar to the boquet toss! |
Me receiving Devina into our home |
My brother dancing on the path Devina had to walk into our home. SO SWEET how happy and proud he is. It's written all over his face. |
My little Kavanjot with his cousin Noor :) |
Devina and Moni |