Thursday, August 19, 2010

Tupperware Transformed!

Sorry I've been MIA! I have family from out of state in town and have been cooking and cleaning the week away to make their stay as cozy cushy and comfy as possible :) Gosh it's alot on a mama. I hate to complain but lordie - physically and mentally I am just wiped by the end of the day. The whole newborn thing and being up to feed him 4-5 times a night then trying to appease my 20 month old during the day and tune out his high pitched squeals and screams all MAY have something to do with it :)

In the middle of all our craziness, if I get a moment to create something - anything - for me, it makes me feel so satisfied. Even the littlest simplest silliest thing brings me such fulfillment. See: toddler board of fun :)

Now we all love the dollar store and great finds from there BUT i must say i can't STAND it when I buy clear plastic storage containers or tupperware from the dollar store and they seem to close just fine in the store and when I get home they don't???? or after a load in the dishwasher, they're absolutely defective. It's the dollar store - what do I expect. I used to just chuck anything that didn't have a lid or a lid that didn't fit (to avoid tupperware avalanches in my kitchen) until................. I was looking at all of my crafting supplies sprawled on the dining room table and thought of a little old useless tupperware container with a non fitting lid that was on its way to the trash. With the help of some pretty paper, miss modge podge herself and touchup paint - I have my very own supply bucket! :)

dollar store tupperware with remnants of the sticky label still on
Modge Podged some pretty scrap paper on
Painted the rim of the container with leftover paint
a quick paint inside as well
fits just the right amount of supplies to craft and journal at any moment!
u know, essentials like scissors, little brushes, glue sticks, hot glue gun, pencils. 

I am linking up here...
A Little Knick Knack 


  1. How fantastic! cuz everyone has tubs of stuff sitting around, why not make them cute & presentable yet functional too? Great idea!
    happy friday : )

  2. I have so many plastic containers with lost or ill-fitting lids- what a fun idea to actually make them useful instead of recycling all of them!
    :-) Sue

  3. What a great idea! I love to repurpose things. And...I have PLENTY of plastic containers I could use this idea on. Excellent.

    Thank you so much for linking up to my first Friday link party! I hope you can find another crafting moment and join again next week. Although, if you'd rather take a nap, I would go for it! ;)

