I'll be the first to admit how new blogging is to me and how lost I am --- but I am loving it and having fun! I am loving learning so much about this techie area that I know next to nothing about. I'm sort've teaching myself with online tutorials as I go along how to put this page together. The littlest thing like adding a counter to my blog gives me such a sense of satisfaction for days, I can't even tell ya :). If not now, then when right? It took me a few hours today but I was so pleased with myself for figuring out how to get the code into my html section thingie for TABS! real live TABS on my very own blog. I almost jumped out of my chair to see it work - like MAGIC. Im such a dork but u have no idea what these little things mean to me! :)
Ok so....now that I have tabs, when I click on them, they take me nowhere - to a blank page. I don't know how to get material linked to my tabs - how do I post material in the tabs. Oh lordie. Looks like I need another tutorial but I prefer doing it this way versus hiring someone to just make it fancy. Maybe one day but I wanna learn from the ground up and what better opportunity than now?!
Just bear with me folks!!
That being said - does anyone know how to post stuff in ur tabs? ......
Haha! I have no idea--the girl who designed my blog did all of that for me :)