I am overrrr the MOON!! My brother asked his girlfriend to marry him and she said YES!!! I am soooo happy!! I am so happy for them and so happy for ME :) to be welcoming such an amazing young lady into our family as my sister :)) I've always wanted a sister. I kinda had one growing up with my brother (hehe, jab) but this is amazing. Her name is Devina and she is from New Delhi, India and she is just perfect for him. They've been dating for a while now and I've gotten to know her really well over the last few months. She is beautiful, intelligent, funny, loving, warm, sensible, and full of grace and so much more. I couldn't even imagine someone better for him. I love watching them together - how happy they seem, how much they joke and laugh and kid around with each other - that's exactly what my little brother needs! I love how real she is and how she keeps him in check! She has shown such compassion towards us losing our mom - after going thru so much pain over the last few years since our mom died, I just couldn't be more thrilled at this happiness that has found its way into my brother's life. They say everything happens for a reason and I am a firm believer!! Here are pics of the lovely couple:

And without further ado, I'd like to introduce CUPID himself. The one, the only, the reason these two beautiful people have come together - is SHIV. Shiv is a good old friend of ours since we were little kids.I remember always looking forward to his trips to the states with his brother and sister and amazing parents and loved playing all our silly games and antics. It just so happens he is the bride to be's neighbor and very good friend as well! You can't write this stuff! Shiv is an absolute sweetheart and doll - full of spirit, gusto, a hands down hysterical sense of humor and style like u wouldn't believe :) I keep trying to convince him to start his own blog - he would have such a following - I'm sure of it. Shiv, this is a public plea for u to please entertain us and put urself out there girlfriend! I'll be personally harping on u to do so until I see ur blog. Anyway, he has really done wonders by bringing these two lovely people together. It's like, after all these years, out of of nowhere, our little Shivvy Cupid fell from the heavens and made magic happen :) Shiv - this is a personal THANK YOU for bringing such happiness into their lives and mine by allowing this mama to regale in the party of this century - their wedding! As far as I'm concerned, their first born should be named after u. In the meantime, let's get ready for this wedding! Can anyone say - diet. GULP. Put that fork DOWN! Mwa! :) Here is the magic maker himself :)

Congrats to the beautiful couple and to your family! They look perfect together!
I love you Candy!!! You are one hell of an awesome writer and i am such a fan of this blog that there is no way I could to justice by taking up writing anything myself...
ReplyDeleteAny I also happen to be the 'maid' of honour!!!!
Lots of love my smoochiessssss !!